Judgment is the critically acclaimed hit from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios (Yakuza franchise)
Judgment is an action thriller that puts players in the shoes of Takayuki Yagami, a disgraced attorney turned rugged private detective, as he uncovers the mystery behind a grisly series of murders. Joined by his partner, ex-Yazuka Masaharu Kaito, Yagami must claw his way through Kamurocho’s criminal underground to unravel the truth – as painful as it may be.
In addition to locale, Judgment takes on the classic hallmarks of the Yakuza series through the eyes of Yagami. Fans will recognize rough-and-tumble street fights, engrossing side missions with locals, and comedy breaks with mini-games. Judgment ups the ante with emphasis on investigative gameplay tracking suspects and discovering clues as Yagami walks the thin line of justice in a world of corruption. Packed with a thrilling story, filmic combat and a cast of intense characters, Judgment will keep all aspiring private detectives on their toes.
The remastered version of Judgment features a 60fps frame rate, improved visuals and much faster load times, and will include all of the previously released DLC.
We reviewed Judgment when it released back in 2019, saying,
“This is one of the best detective games ever made. Nothing gets my blood pumping more than a secret agent, sleuth/spy experience, and just when I thought I’d seen it all, along comes Judgment to trump everything. Following the case was an epic ride of thrills, excitement, and joy. You gently pick locks, sneak into buildings, tail a suspect, gather evidence, smash faces in, follow the trail, and get involved with a gripping, well-acted story. When you’ve done a bit of that and fancy something different, the game has you covered there too. You can dick around in glorious fashion in the multitude of other activities, or you can simply just go shopping, or eat in your favourite restaurant and make friends. It’s a complete gaming experience.
Ryu Ga Gotoku studios have pulled off what I didn’t think they could. They made a game so exciting in so many ways that it made me forget about playing a Yakuza game, even though it’s set in the same district! It is certainly my favourite game so far of 2019, and a GOTY contender? I’ll pass Judgment on that, and the verdict is most definitely guilty!”