Kick-ass exclusive arriving early, challenge cards explained, more GT trailers, chill-out vibes, and an apology
Sifu, one of the most intriguing upcoming console exclusives for PlayStation, has just had its release date brought forward to the 8th February 2022. As well as this excellent news, we were also treated to two new trailers that really go in-depth as to how the game’s combat and death systems will operate.
With combat that appears to be very nuanced, stunning visuals and a ‘risk versus reward’ death and ageing mechanic, Sifu looks set to wow players in a genre that has scant few competitors to match it.
Another week and yet another couple of Gran Turismo 7 trailers have arrived. These trailers once again feature Kazunori Yamauchi, head of Polyphony Digital operations, sitting down to discuss the in-game tuning aspect and tracks.
In the “Tuning” video we see “Kaz” discuss how there will be more tunable components than ever before, and during the “Tracks” trailer, Kaz brazenly comments that they believe they have achieved a level of realism that is “tangible”. On March the 4th, 2022, we will get to find out if these lofty claims are true.
PlayStation support also released a new trailer exploring the PS5 Challenges cards, and how to use them to beat rivals and challenge your friends.
My experience of the card system is leaning more towards the negative, as the UI is not intuitive and many players may not even know exactly what they can do. These instructional videos from PlayStation support are most welcome and should inspire players to start to experiment more with the card system.
Now, something a little different. Those lovely people at Bandai Namco gave everyone a free early Christmas present, releasing a Scarlet Nexus playlist on YouTube to chill or study to. Starting off with a mesmerizing orchestral piece of the main Scarlet Nexus theme, and then morphing into more upbeat lively techno beats, it truly is a wonderful collection of in-game music.
Called OSF Radio for Studying (OSF stands for Others Suppression Force, an in-game reference), this hour-long compilation is a great way to get your gaming kicks even when you are working or studying, and I highly recommend you tune in.
Finally, one of the games that was showcased by PlayStation in their first PS5 games showcase over a year ago was a Capcom game called Pragmata.
Since then, news about this strange-looking, visually stunning game has been very quiet, until a new story surfaced this week. Unfortunately, it’s not good news, as it’s a short apology video from Capcom with no projected release date other than some time in 2023, but they try to soften the blow with a little girl and her puppy dog eyes.
Check back in with Total Gaming Addicts as we bring you more up to date information about all of the above future games and more.