Unravel is an emotionally charged platforming game with very little story. It feels a little like Journey to me, it’s all about the experience. Your hero for the duration of the game is Yarny a cute and likeable character made entirely from yarn. Your main quest throughout the game is to collect memories for a photo album although it is not stated why you must do this in the game. The task is fairly simple and is achieved just by getting to the end of the ten levels which contain secrets that add something a little more challenging.
The visuals the graphics featured in unravel are great but the art style is unforgettable. The feeling of walking and exploring the various environments of the game rarely focusing more than a couple of inches off the ground is unique and for me makes this game worth playing alone.
The audio throughout the game is good although at some points the music feels a little too soft for what Yarny is doing or experiencing. During various levels environmental cues from various encounters are spot on and the only really annoying one I have discovered is the flies on level 4
The puzzles and platforming are what let this game down, several times I found myself hoping for a bit of luck when swinging over a gap. The platforming feels clumsy and the puzzles are basic which feel like they were added to the game as an afterthought to give the player something to do while exploring the environments.
If you are like me and enjoy visual experiences this is a must buy but if you love platformers or challenging puzzles then you may need to think twice.