The TOCA series of games has always been entertaining, even if they now veer more to the arcade side of racing than simulation.
The TOCA series has undergone many title changes since its inception. From TOCA Touring Cars to TOCA Race Driver, then dropping the TOCA to become Race Driver: Grid, before losing the Race Driver moniker and simply being named Grid 2, and now, in as completely a nonsensical way as the Xbox’s third console being called the Xbox One, we have Grid (which is actually Grid 4 if you count Grid Autosport).
All in all, this is the tenth console racer to have come from the TOCA Grid World Touring Car Race Driver Autosport series, with a few spin-offs for handhelds to further complicate things if, like me, you wanted to reference the evolution of the series.
I’ve been a fan of their games, and I could ramble on incoherently about the way the handling has changed over the years, or how the car deformation is still generally unrivalled in most modern racers, Instead, I’ve decided a picture speaks a thousand words, so I’ve added a few thousand words of images for you to peruse, along with the gameplay reveal trailer, which is lots of pictures spanning 1:06 of video, so roughly two million words worth of images. Enjoy!