12th May, 2021
However, not only have the visuals been given an almighty upgrade compared to previous games, but the combat looks fast and fluid too. Have we hit...
27th November, 2019
Grounded was one of the big announcements on the Inside Xbox show that just happened at X019; quite a surprise and a nice change of pace for...
20th April, 2018
Can we terraform Mars? What do you need we need to do? Play this board game adaptation and tame the Red Planet.
Developer: Luckyhammers
6th October, 2016
Manufacturer:Evolution Studios
Publisher: Sony Entertainment
Genre: Racing
Release Date: 13/10/2016
Platforms: Playstation...
29th September, 2016
The original Battle Zone game released back in the 1980’s and gave influence to movies such as Tron, and now with the new PlayStation VR the...
17th August, 2016
Developer: Compulsion Games Inc
Publisher: Compulsion Games Inc
Genre: Action & Adventure
Release Date: TBC
28th July, 2016
Developer: Cherry Pop Games
Publisher: Cherry Pop Games
Genre: Sport, Snooker
Release Date: Preview Game
Platforms: Xbox One...
12th June, 2016
As a preview member I love getting the latest innovations, and having preview games is always a bonus. But for the most part its to get the dashboard...